6 steps to help you overcome your addiction

Kwame Yandah
Written by Kwame Yandah on

6 steps to help you overcome your addiction

Overcoming an addiction is an extremely difficult challenge that requires a high level of discipline and self control. What started as a simple and seemingly harmless practice, soon becomes a manipulative monster controlling and affecting your life in ways you could have never imagined.

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From substance addiction such as alcohol or drugs to behavioral addictions like procrastination and gambling, the battle to break free from any addictive practice is an uphill one.

Outlined in this article are a few steps to help you overcome your addiction.

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Admit you have a problem

The first and probably most important step in solving any problem is admitting the existence of the problem. This is especially true when it comes to issues of addiction. More often than not, people battling with an addiction fail to recognize their situation as an actual addiction but rather choose to consider it as a “preferred habit”.

This leads to a relaxed attitude in dealing with the problem, thereby achieving no meaningful result. It is only by admitting you have an addiction, that you can start to map out a strategy on how to overcome it.

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Decide it is time to quit

Decide it is time to quit

The next step after admitting you have an addiction is making the decision that it is time to quit. Although it may sound mundane, it is a very important part of the process. It is very possible to admit you have a problem but decide not to do anything about it.

Making the decision to quit your addiction prepares your mind to make the conscious effort necessary in order to succeed.

Make a list of all the negative effects of your addiction

Making a list of all the negative effects of your addiction can be a great way of motivating yourself to quit. It is very easy to overlook the ramifications of your addictive practice especially if it is something you really enjoy. Being confronted with the reality of what can happen to you should you keep up with your addiction can be a powerful trigger in your quest to quit.

Whether it is financial stress, health implications or the impact your addiction may have on your loved ones, it is very necessary you seek out these effects if you don’t already know them and picture yourself having to deal with them.

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Set gradual targets

Set gradual targets

As already established in this article, it is never easy to let go of any addiction, that is why it very necessary you set gradual targets. It is almost impossible to quit at once, that is why it is advisable you do it in gradual steps.

For instance, if you are addicted to smoking cigarettes and probably smoke 10 packs a week, you can start by cutting it down to 8 packs a week and continually cutting it down until you can go a whole week without smoking a single piece of cigarette. Admittedly this is not going to be easy, it is going to take a lot of discipline and will-power to get it done.

Take notice of your triggers

Every addiction comes with its set of triggers: something, someone or a situation that has that ability to get you to fall back into old patterns and push you towards your addiction. Take notice of such triggers and try as much as possible to stay away from them.

The farther away you are from your triggers, the more likely it is for you to work your way towards being free from your addiction.

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Seek professional help

Seek professional help

It always advisable to seek professional help or counselling when trying to overcome an addiction. There are so many experts specially trained to assist addicts of all kinds through behavioral therapy and in some cases medication.

A quick internet search can provide you a list of all the qualified professionals in your locality that can help you control and possibly overcome your addiction.

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